My web hosting provider was “acquired” and it was a ☠️nightmare!

Felipe Suarez
7 min readNov 5, 2024


Your web hosting company and service is one of the most important services you have.

Obviously if you run an online business.. And running an online business is the best option nowadays to combat the economy and earning more money, we all know that!

But returning to topic, your web hosting company is like the company that provides you electricity and water at your house, you depend on it for everything. For life, for your business… it’s like one of the most important things!

😎I was super relaxed…

I had them for years and they provided amazing service. Their uptime was amazing and whenever I needed to contact the tech support team, they always replied within 15 mins and helped with every issue I reported. It was amazing.

I was a customer for years! I saw them grow and become more successful which was great.

🥵But one day it happened!

Because of their growth, one day they reported they were going to be sold to another company and that they were going to be “acquired” by another company. It was right there when I saw that email that my fears and concern began!

I mean, I was happy for them because anytime a small company grows and it get the attention of the market and another one comes to buy it is good. Good for them, I mean. I was happy for that, for sure. It shows their hard work paid off. Anytime a small entrepreneur grows it’s time to celebrate.

On that side, all good. But as customer, it’s another story… 🌪

Like I said before, your web hosting company is the back bone of your online business. Its CRUCIAL to have great service and support. And an amazing technical infrastructure to accommodate all clients and online businesses.

I knew I might be exagerating to be fearful but I also knew it was important that the new company was even better than the first one.

What are the chances, 50–50 ? I hope!

So the big day arrived! ⛈

Ok, so the big transition day arrived and they changed their support emails to the new company and so on. I was technically now with the new company and under the “care” of the new team.

Nothing really happened to my sites, they were still online and working so all good. No big issues or problems. So I was happy.

But then it happened! 🥴

I had an issues that I needed to get resolved by tech support. And what do I do? Well, I send them an email like normal.

I expect them to reply within 15 mins like before and…. Nothing…. All of a sudden I need to wait for more time than usual and my fear begins to grow… again! Yikes, this doesn't look good.

I mean, it wasn't a big issue that I reported and needed help with but I noticed things were not like before :(

But I gave them a chance and didn't think anything of it.

To avoid making this longer than it needs to be, I can tell you that later after some other issues I had with my sites and my customers sites, I definitely noticed things were not OK with the new customer tech support team and that they were very mediocre to say the least.

I was not a happy camper

This started to really bother me because I have some client websites that need support from time to time and if I do not have a reliable partner it was going to affect my business.

Imagine that your vendor doesn't reply quickly to your issues and that you have to say to your clients that things are not fixed yet or root causes are not found yet. It’s embarrassing.

But what the worse thing they did?

The thing that absolutely took me off guard was when they dediced to reduce the physical memory from my account and reduce resources from my sites. This was illegal in my opinion!

It made many of my sites to get errors like a 503 error, also known as a “Service Unavailable” error. This is an HTTP status code that indicates a server is temporarily unable to handle a request. This was horrendous! These errors happened exactly after they started doing this.

They basically modified my hosting plan to remove/reduce some of the capabilities I had before and reduced them for me… Maybe they wanted me to pay more but I was supposed to keep the same plan I had before. It is NOT Ok to change customer’s plan like that. My websites started to suffer. It was like a nightmare.

And what did I do?

Well. I suffered with this for some weeks and luckily the time had come for me to renew the annual plan I had with them. So before the annual plan was due, I started to research with other companies because I said. SCREW THIS! I AM MOVING TO ANOTHER HOSTING COMPANY!

I was explicit with them, I told them their service was horrendous and that I was moving away from them very far away to a company that respected their customers! They didn’t like it but what did they expect!! Common!

I started to do my due diligence and researched for new companies that could give me a great “shared hosting” service to host all my sites.

And luckily I found the perfect one!

I studied many companies but I after careful research and investigation I found the perfect one. It’s called NameHero.

Before my yearly plan needed to be renewed I was already coordinating with the NameHero tech team to migrate all my sites. It was so cool because they even did all the migrations for free. The process for migrating each site was very straight forward. I opened a “migration” ticket for each website and provided the details of the current sites and they took care of the rest. In around 12 hours they had each website in the new server so that when I cut the cord on the old host and pointed everything to the new hosting company everything was working since day 1! it was amazing!

Why did I choose NameHero?

NameHero web hosting
Check out NameHero

Well, I found NameHero because of good reviews online and I contacted them. Their sales and tech support team have amazing response times and they helped me clarify everything before I was a customer. This was a GREAT sign.


Well, and also their plans are very nice, their cost is acceptable and it’s a world class service.

I found them in the correct time because they have great offers also.

Check out this current offer they have for Black Friday:

And after a little more than one year with them…

It’s been great! I made a great choice and I couldn’t be happier. No issues and great support.

Doing the due diligence paid off. And “testing” their support teams before was a good thing to do. As a customer, the tech support is very good and they always reply very quickly to anything I throw at them. This is exactly was I was used to!

👇All of this below is true!

NameHero Web Hosting Company
Get access now

Things went back to normal

And this is amazing. Having an online business and having web hosting issues is the worse. You can imagine. It’s not healthy. You need to focus on other things like making money online instead of your web hosting working correctly. It needs to work ALWAYS. This took a huge weight from my back.

Have you ever been in this position? I hope not!

Why do I share this?

Because I want to suggest you look into using their hosting services (Web Hosting, WordPress Hosting, WooCommerce Hosting, Enterprise Hosting). If this has worked so well for me it can work well for you also.

But in general, I hope you never have to go through something like this because it’s really stressful.

And just to be clear, this post is not sponsored or anything like that. I am just a happy customer that want’s to share a good company for others.



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